Buick Engineering Analysis EA86025: WINDSHIELD WIPERS
1985 Buick Regal
- Summary
- Summary:GM believes the problem has been corrected through its publi-cation of 7 service bulletins concerning this matter. In addition, gmdoes not believe windshield wiper failure represents a safety hazard.analysis: Three failure modes have been identified; insulating film maybuild up between the brush face and the commutator of the wiper motor, corrosion may form in the wiper motor brush and disengagement of thewiper arms may occur. In view of the existing legal precedent, the largenumber of warranty claims concerning wiper motor failures (114,000) andthe high wiper motor and motor kit part sales (251,000), it is imperativethat this matter receive management support.status: GM response dated 2/23/87. Analyzing as time permits.ea closed 3/2/88.=== D@
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