really awful- Typical Repair Cost:
- No data
- Average Mileage:
- 39,450 miles
- Total Complaints:
- 1 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
- new transmission, engine (1 reports)

transmission problem
Helpful websites
- No one has added a helpful site for this 2011 Lucerne problem yet. Be the first!
First I want to state that my dad worked for GM for 30 years before he passed away. So the ENTIRE family/extended family always bought GM. However, after what I have been through - the ENTIRE FAMILY WILL NEVER BUY A GM VEHICLE AGAIN...... and I am spreading the word. The vehicle is a 2011 Buick Lucerne today's mileage is 39,790. My grandfather purchased the car new - he passed away and I took ownership. Warranty ended Sept 2015. It all started Saturday, April 2, 2016 when I was driving my car - it would stop accelerating when I stepped on the gas. I pulled over, tried reverse, wouldn't go in reverse or forward when I stepped on the gas. I would shut the car off- turn back on - and was able to drive about a block - then I would have to shut it off and do it all over again. I got it to Miller Buick dealership on April 2 - paid $150 to diagnose the problem.they called me that same day and said that the transmission needs replacing cost $4400. I said I was not going to pay that - the car has less than 40k miles - that I was calling GM headquarters. April 3- April 10: rented a car for the week $187.59 April 4 : Called GM in Detroit - got the runaround (Mary was assigned to my case wouldn't return calls/keep me updated/voice mail states she can respond in 24 hrs - which she never did). So on April 5 I asked for a supervisor - they passed me to Denise(senior rep) - she was taking on the case. She asked if the dealer "dropped the pan" - I said no. She said well that's the only way to tell if the transmission is bad. So my thinking at this point is that the dealer is being shady. Dealer called said they want another $150 to "drop the pan" said I am not paying more money - that if GM wants you to drop the pan- then they can pay for that. So the dealer waived the extra $150 and dropped the pan - told me after the fact. April 6: Dealer calls said a lot of shavings in the pan - transmission is ruined. That GM would pay $2640 and I would pay $1640. I was not at all cofortable with this dealership doing the work - after GM said that they didn't drop the pan and wanted another $150.00. So I made 4 different calls to GM (Call #1Elaine: I was on HOLD for 12 minutes on hold - she couldn't get a supervisor.......Call #2 Mark on HOLD for 13 minutes, then transferred me to Maribel.....Call #3 Maribel is not a supervisor - after explaining my story - she mysteriously couldn't hear me and hung up...... Call #4 Latisha - told my story yet again - after ALL that....she puts me to through to Mary (the original adviser that wouldn't return calls. At this point - being very angry and frustrated - I called GM head quarters in Detroit. I was put in contact with Serena (liaison to the CEO) - hoping I was going to get resolve. April 9: Not trusting this dealership because of what GM said - I had the car towed to another dealership - Freehold Buick - 20 miles away. I have taken the car to this location for service before. The service guy, Peter (his day off) I told him what happened and he said bring the car and that he would either meet or beat the $1600 (my out of pocket cost) - I said great - fix the transmission. In the mean time, they gave me a loaner car. April 11 told Peter - Serena corporate was calling him. April 18 Peter calls me - engine is bad too. WHAT !!?? This whole time I thought he was fixing the transmission! He said that in January they told me that the head gaskets were leaking. I actually blew this off as them trying to get money out of me for unnecessary repairs. So they are not going to fix just the transmission, like I requested. What the hell !!! Sooooo here we go again - yet another round between GM Corporate, Me, the dealership AND the District Manager for GM. April 19 Peter calls - they are pushing for me to return the car - mean while we are all still waiting on corporate. April 20 Peter calls said that GM is not covering both the engine and the transmission - that they will will pay for some of the engine and that I would pay the rest PLUS the entire cost of the transmission. ARE YOU CRAZY??? TWO MAJOR problems with the car that has less than 40K miles. A this point, I feel Peter is seeing me as someone who wants a hand out.....which REALLY ticked me off! But he still pushes me towards a NEW car. Not going to happen - don't want a car payment - I have a newer car. They have made about 4 different offers to me - including a new car every time. MY WHOLE issue has ALWAYS been.....the car is a 2011 with 39, 790 miles on it with TWO MAJOR PART failures...... THIS IS NOT NORMAL!!!!!! I WANT GM TO DO THE RIGHT THING AND ADMIT THAT THE CAR IS A LEMON !!! April 21 Peter calls again -pushing a new car. Saying that the $7000 I have to put into the car - should be put into a new car. I said that I doubt the engine is bad - there was no ck engine light - no white smoke - no anything. April 22 I call Serena. She calls me back. GM IS TAKING ALL OFFERS OFF THE TABLE...... are you freaking kidding me???? She said because I didn't fix the engine/head gaskets in January that MIGHT have caused the transmission to break.. WHAT !!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME ??? She said she will get back to me Wed afternoon? I said today is Friday. That she was going to call someone - BS - she is just putting me off AGAIN - with her "I'll get back to you in 2 -3 days". I said I wanted to speak to her higher up - she said there wasn't any - that she is the leas ion to the CEO. AGAIN - I CALL BS. WHY CAN'T THEY DO A CONFERENCE CALL BETWEEN CORPORATE, DEALER, DISTRICT MANAGER AND MYSELF????? WHY CAN'T THE DISTRICT MANAGER CALL ME - INSTEAD OF PLAYING PHONE GAMES?????? because...... THEY JUST WANT TO KEEP PUSHING ME OFF UNTIL I BREAK DOWN AND BACK OFF........... NOT GOING TO HAPPEN ! I went back to the original dealership Miller to obtain the service records. He asked what was going on. I said that they are saying the engine is bad too. He said " the engine is not bad on that car". He asked why I took the car to begin with. I told him that GM said the only way to see if transmission is bag is to drop the pan. He said that that wasn't true. They only drop the pan when the car is still under warranty because GM requires it. If it is out of warranty, then they I then left there and went to a shop where I sometimes take my cars for fixing - he too said that "there is nothing wrong with that engine" and to have GM call him and he will tell them. So now I am REALLY frustrated and VERY ticked off at Freehold......and GM Corporate. Saturday April I return the loaner car to Freehold and I bought my Uncle with me - who went to mechanic school - but not his trade now) - he talked with them. And calls BS on the engine. I tow the car yet AGAIN - BACK to Miller - I don't trust getting ANOTHER dealer involved. He said that he will talk to the manager on Monday (TODAY) and let me know if they can still do the original transmission offer. AUGHHHH We are now in WEEK # 4....NO resolve...NO fixing....NO end in sight....NO car ALL of this "playing games and being shady" has affected my MS (Multiple Sclerosis) physically and mentally. I don't want anyone to ever go through this horrible experience of dealing with GM and dealerships. Does anyone know what else I can do or tell this to???? Thank you for reading.
- never gm again, Colonia, NJ, US