Buick Preliminary Evaluation PE87041: THROTTLE SYSTEM FAILURE

1987 Buick LeSabre


Vehicle Speed Control:Linkages

Summary of information from manufacturer:GM reported knowledge of 137owner complaints, 317 field reports, and 2 lawsuits, in addition to thereports received directly by the NHTSA.the reports received by GM citethe occurrence of 263 accidents, including 77 injury accidents, 100 injuriesand 1 fatality.several possible modes of throttle control system failure or malfunctionare under consideration in this PE, including self-actuation, failure todeactivate upon driver command, and throttle system sticking or binding.having evaluated the 456reports received directly and the 36 consumercomplaints submitted by NHTSA, GM indicated that no meaningful frequencyor mode of malfunction could be identified to suggest the existence of adefect which relates to motor vehicle safety.several design/manufacturing changes were identified as relevant to thesubject of this PE; however, no service bulletins or recall notificationshave been issued on throttle control system problems.analysis:during GM's compilation and evaluation of information requiredto respond to the NHTSA's request, indications were given to ODI that thenumber of consumer and other reports clearly suggested the existence of asafety problem and that corrective action by the manufacturer were inorder.GM's formal letter response, however, retreated from this position.notwithstanding the incomplete analysis of information submitted to thenhtsa, the numbers of owner and field reports, together with clear datato show that throttle system failures have resulted in significant numbersof accidents and injuries, indicate that a more rigorous evaluation of thismatter is in order.===

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Date Opened
AUG 04, 1987
Date Closed
NOV 30, 1987
NHTSA Recall #
No recall issued
  • Status:
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