"?AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION DRIVEABILITY COMPLAINTS . Hesitant drive off, sluggish driving behavior. The Automatic Transmission (AT) switches into emergency mode and operates only in first gear, Manual shifting (+/-) in Sport Program (using both gear selector and/or shift paddles) is not possible. 44E257 - ""N6 speed sensor: Direction of rotation invalid"" is stored in transmission control module Transmission Control Unit (GKEG3HY) software"
"?AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION DRIVEABILITY COMPLAINTS . Hesitant drive off, sluggish driving behavior. The Automatic Transmission (AT) switches into emergency mode and operates only in first gear, Manual shifting (+/-) in Sport Program (using both gear selector and/or shift paddles) is not possible. 44E257 - ""N6 speed sensor: Direction of rotation invalid"" is stored in transmission control module Transmission Control Unit (GKEG3HY) software"