Erroneous Check Control Message "Remote control missing. Unable to start" Is Displayed. With the engine running, the Start/Stop button is pressed and the engine stops. If the Start/Stop button is pressed again (without opening the door), and the customer has his/her foot on the brake pedal, the engine starts. An erroneous check control message "Remote control missing. Unable to start" is then displayed in the instrument cluster and Central Information Display (CID). Software error in the Body Domain Controller (BDC)
Erroneous Check Control Message "Remote control missing. Unable to start" Is Displayed. With the engine running, the Start/Stop button is pressed and the engine stops. If the Start/Stop button is pressed again (without opening the door), and the customer has his/her foot on the brake pedal, the engine starts. An erroneous check control message "Remote control missing. Unable to start" is then displayed in the instrument cluster and Central Information Display (CID). Software error in the Body Domain Controller (BDC)