"REPAIRING TRANSFER CASE ACTUATOR (VTG SERVO-MOTOR). The Anti-lock Brakes (ABS), Brakes and Dynamic Stability Control (DSC) warnings are on and there may also be a ""Drivetrain Malfunction"" warning on in the Control Display. There is also an audible clicking noise coming from the transfer case actuator when cycling the ignition. The following fault codes may be stored: (DSC) 5F3A - Clutch gearbox-ECU: clutch is open - rear-wheel drive! (VTG) 5463 - Break mechanics (VTG) 5462 - Error actuator or increased power requirements for clutch (VTG) 5461 - Error actuator control Internal wear to the plastic gears of the transfer case actuator."
"REPAIRING TRANSFER CASE ACTUATOR (VTG SERVO-MOTOR). The Anti-lock Brakes (ABS), Brakes and Dynamic Stability Control (DSC) warnings are on and there may also be a ""Drivetrain Malfunction"" warning on in the Control Display. There is also an audible clicking noise coming from the transfer case actuator when cycling the ignition. The following fault codes may be stored: (DSC) 5F3A - Clutch gearbox-ECU: clutch is open - rear-wheel drive! (VTG) 5463 - Break mechanics (VTG) 5462 - Error actuator or increased power requirements for clutch (VTG) 5461 - Error actuator control Internal wear to the plastic gears of the transfer case actuator."