"PERFORM THE PROCEDURE OUTLINED IN THIS SERVICE INFORMATION ON ALL AFFECTED VEHICLES BEFORE CUSTOMER DELIVERY OR THE NEXT TIME THEY ARE IN THE SHOP FOR MAINTENANCE OR REPAIRS. SUBJECT Service Action: Lubricate Rear Door Seam Seals. Under certain circumstances, the rear door seam seal may stick to the front door. Customers may be dissatisfied by the additional effort required to open the door. AFFECTED VEHICLES This Service Action involves F10 models produced from October 28, 2014 to January 12, 2015. First check if a Service Action label with a code number 731 is already attached to the B-pillar. If a code number 731 has been punched out, the Campaign has already been performed and no further action is necessary. Vehicles which require this Service Action to be completed will show it as ""Open"" when checked either in the ""Service Menu"" of DCSnet (Dealer Communication System) or with the Key Reader. Insufficient lubrication of the seam seal"
"PERFORM THE PROCEDURE OUTLINED IN THIS SERVICE INFORMATION ON ALL AFFECTED VEHICLES BEFORE CUSTOMER DELIVERY OR THE NEXT TIME THEY ARE IN THE SHOP FOR MAINTENANCE OR REPAIRS. SUBJECT Service Action: Lubricate Rear Door Seam Seals. Under certain circumstances, the rear door seam seal may stick to the front door. Customers may be dissatisfied by the additional effort required to open the door. AFFECTED VEHICLES This Service Action involves F10 models produced from October 28, 2014 to January 12, 2015. First check if a Service Action label with a code number 731 is already attached to the B-pillar. If a code number 731 has been punched out, the Campaign has already been performed and no further action is necessary. Vehicles which require this Service Action to be completed will show it as ""Open"" when checked either in the ""Service Menu"" of DCSnet (Dealer Communication System) or with the Key Reader. Insufficient lubrication of the seam seal"