Various Electrical Problems Caused by Water Ingress. Water ingress into the luggage compartment may cause various electrical problems or faults associated with the MPM (Micro Power Module); PDC (Park Distance Control); M-ASK (Multi-Audio System Controller); CCC (Car Communication Computer); CID (Control Information Display); TCU (Telematics Control Unit); LOGIC-7 (Top Hi-Fi); RDC (Tire Pressure Monitor) or SDARS (Satellite Radio Receiver) control modules. In most cases, the water collects in the spare wheel recess. CAUSE: Insufficient sealing may allow water to enter the luggage compartment due to the vacuum generated while driving.
Various Electrical Problems Caused by Water Ingress. Water ingress into the luggage compartment may cause various electrical problems or faults associated with the MPM (Micro Power Module); PDC (Park Distance Control); M-ASK (Multi-Audio System Controller); CCC (Car Communication Computer); CID (Control Information Display); TCU (Telematics Control Unit); LOGIC-7 (Top Hi-Fi); RDC (Tire Pressure Monitor) or SDARS (Satellite Radio Receiver) control modules. In most cases, the water collects in the spare wheel recess. CAUSE: Insufficient sealing may allow water to enter the luggage compartment due to the vacuum generated while driving.