Service Action: Replace Power Steering Pump Belt Pulley. The screw connection on the power steering pump belt pulley may slacken. This may lead to an audible squeaking and rattling at the pulley drive. AFFECTED VEHICLES This Service Action involves 5 Series 535d vehicles according to VIN selection. First check if a Service Action label with a code number 682 is already attached to the B-pillar. If a code number 682 has been punched out, the Campaign has already been performed and no further action is necessary. Vehicles which require this Service Action to be completed will show it as "Open" when checked either in the "Service Menu" of DCSnet (Dealer Communication System) or with the Key Reader.
Service Action: Replace Power Steering Pump Belt Pulley. The screw connection on the power steering pump belt pulley may slacken. This may lead to an audible squeaking and rattling at the pulley drive. AFFECTED VEHICLES This Service Action involves 5 Series 535d vehicles according to VIN selection. First check if a Service Action label with a code number 682 is already attached to the B-pillar. If a code number 682 has been punched out, the Campaign has already been performed and no further action is necessary. Vehicles which require this Service Action to be completed will show it as "Open" when checked either in the "Service Menu" of DCSnet (Dealer Communication System) or with the Key Reader.