Power Mirrors and/or Windows are Inoperative. The power windows and/or power mirrors are inoperative. The LED on the headlight switch is flashing. There is a check control message for Windows/Mirrors/ Headlights. There may also be a complaint of water in one or both headlights. One of the following fault codes may be stored: * 9CBD - Communication with stepper motor box left defective * 9CBE - Communication with stepper motor box right defective * 9CC1 - Communication with mirror driver side defective * 9CC2 - Communication with mirror passenger side defective/Right Stepper Motor Controller (SMC) signaling fault * 9CCF - Communication with LIN control defective Left and/or right headlight housing cover is not properly fitted allowing water ingress into the Stepper Motor Controller (SMC) connector. CAUSE: Left and/or right headlight housing cover is not properly fitted allowing water ingress into the Stepper Motor Controller (SMC) connector.