well i bought this car when it had 31,500 miles.
from the start when i test drove the car i noticed the shaking of the brakes.
I had never had a german car before so i asked the salesmen if that was normal
an he says ''german cars shake when you push on the brakes''.
so i thought nothing about it in tell a couple days later.
i started to feel more shaking .
i brought the car in the dealership and they said everything was fine.
so couple of months go an i was driving on the freeway an this guys cuts me off
so naturally i pressed on my brakes firmly then i noticed a big bang and then my brakes
was jerking my wheel left to right violently. so once again i took it to the dealership.
they told me the same thing they had told me on my previous visit that once aging they
said nothing was wrong or couldn't find a issue .
get this when i bought the car they failed to mention that the pervious
had put after market tent on the window so this film some how
disabled my radio. i guess there is a antenna in the BMW manufacture glass in the rear window.
also my keys didn't work they said they die like that so all i would
have to do is drive the car an by the time i get home which was 30 miles away when i
take the key out of the ignition it will be charged hmmm lets see an you know what
they were sadly mistaken it was not charged. so i took it back the next day
to have them change my rear window an to fix my keys. Im so glad i got the window
warranty.other wise i would have payed a pretty penny. so then after like a week later
i started to notice that there was a tapping sound coming for the back seat
area. I found out where the sound was coming from and it was coming
from the rear window that BMW fixed. I kid you not it was coming from the third tail
light coming lose. I brought it back an they said "we will take care of it don't worry
we will put a brand new light fixture " . i got the car back i looked in the rear window tail light
it looked kind of bent an did not look new. i went home an then after about a week
the tail light came down aging. so know its in the shop aging checking the
brakes an that rear tail light are being looked at I've been in contact with the manufacture
an they have been giving me a hard time because Im a young man an
they think i don't know the laws or my right's. then i almost forgot to tell you this
sometimes when i would pull out of my drive way my car
would start to shake like a back fire an my RPMs would go from 600 RPMS to 1,500 RPMS
an then my car would shake like i was driving a manual car an i missed a gear or was stalling
out. The East Bay BMW in Pleasanton, California are the ones doing this.
more than likely if BMW dose not fix these issue i want a refund of all my
money an what ever money they made off my old car which i think they made
1,000 dollars so there going to have to give me that money back. this is the law.
im going to try to get them to refund me for the tires they
made me buy. because they said it would make a better ride .
i wanted to keep my old run flats so i could give them to my mother
who is handy capped an could have used those tires on her car but
instead of giving me my old tires the guy that changed my old tires to my
new tires kept my old perfect condition run flats an gave me someone else's
run flat that was worn down an had a nail in one. what a bunch of crap
how can people get away with this kinda of stuff.
so i will update when i get my car back or my money back !!!!
Update from Aug 28, 2013: Holy crap what an experience i got the car
back an it man i can only tell you how good east bay bmw did in
pleasanton ca . they did so good its
unreal in how much professionalism they maintained
when dealing with me. Im very hard to please but
they hit right out of the park with this one.
they replaced all my brakes an rotors
an rest my motor computer an the car feels so
nice its so clean an smooth an i didn't tell you the best
well i bought this car when it had 31,500 miles. from the start when i test drove the car i noticed the shaking of the brakes. I had never had a german car before so i asked the salesmen if that was normal an he says ''german cars shake when you push on the brakes''. so i thought nothing about it in tell a couple days later. i started to feel more shaking . i brought the car in the dealership and they said everything was fine. so couple of months go an i was driving on the freeway an this guys cuts me off so naturally i pressed on my brakes firmly then i noticed a big bang and then my brakes was jerking my wheel left to right violently. so once again i took it to the dealership. they told me the same thing they had told me on my previous visit that once aging they said nothing was wrong or couldn't find a issue . get this when i bought the car they failed to mention that the pervious had put after market tent on the window so this film some how disabled my radio. i guess there is a antenna in the BMW manufacture glass in the rear window. also my keys didn't work they said they die like that so all i would have to do is drive the car an by the time i get home which was 30 miles away when i take the key out of the ignition it will be charged hmmm lets see an you know what they were sadly mistaken it was not charged. so i took it back the next day to have them change my rear window an to fix my keys. Im so glad i got the window warranty.other wise i would have payed a pretty penny. so then after like a week later i started to notice that there was a tapping sound coming for the back seat area. I found out where the sound was coming from and it was coming from the rear window that BMW fixed. I kid you not it was coming from the third tail light coming lose. I brought it back an they said "we will take care of it don't worry we will put a brand new light fixture " . i got the car back i looked in the rear window tail light it looked kind of bent an did not look new. i went home an then after about a week the tail light came down aging. so know its in the shop aging checking the brakes an that rear tail light are being looked at I've been in contact with the manufacture an they have been giving me a hard time because Im a young man an they think i don't know the laws or my right's. then i almost forgot to tell you this sometimes when i would pull out of my drive way my car would start to shake like a back fire an my RPMs would go from 600 RPMS to 1,500 RPMS an then my car would shake like i was driving a manual car an i missed a gear or was stalling out. The East Bay BMW in Pleasanton, California are the ones doing this. more than likely if BMW dose not fix these issue i want a refund of all my money an what ever money they made off my old car which i think they made 1,000 dollars so there going to have to give me that money back. this is the law. im going to try to get them to refund me for the tires they made me buy. because they said it would make a better ride . i wanted to keep my old run flats so i could give them to my mother who is handy capped an could have used those tires on her car but instead of giving me my old tires the guy that changed my old tires to my new tires kept my old perfect condition run flats an gave me someone else's run flat that was worn down an had a nail in one. what a bunch of crap how can people get away with this kinda of stuff. so i will update when i get my car back or my money back !!!! BMW CAN NOT TREAT PEOPLE LIKE THIS AND GET AWAY WITH IT !!!!!! SOMEONE NEED'S TO MAKE RIGOROUS INVESTIGATION!!!!!!!
Update from Aug 28, 2013: Holy crap what an experience i got the car back an it man i can only tell you how good east bay bmw did in pleasanton ca . they did so good its unreal in how much professionalism they maintained when dealing with me. Im very hard to please but they hit right out of the park with this one. they replaced all my brakes an rotors an rest my motor computer an the car feels so nice its so clean an smooth an i didn't tell you the best part IT WAS ALL FREE NO CHARGE WITH WARRANTY . TRULY THE BEST CARS ON THE ROAD DOSE NOT GET ANY BETTER THAN THAT !!!!!!!!!!!
- Alex M., SF, CA, US