Info About Proposed Settlement - The site includes information on a proposed class action settlement re certain Acura models' excessive oil consumption.
Acura has admitted they have this excessive oil consumption problem. They agreed in a lawsuit to extend the warranty and fix the issue. They arbitrarily assigned a time limit of 8 years from date of purchase. The problem does not exhibit itself until around the 45,000 - 50,000 mileage level. My issue is that I bought it from a snowbird Canadian who bought the car in the US and kept it there when he returned to Canada for six months of every year. So, the car was only driven half of every year and kept sitting in the garage the other half. Therefore, when I purchased the car from him in September of 2020, it only had 23,000 miles on it. He had not been notified about the potential problem. At the time I purchased it, it was already over the 8 year limit. As I drove it and accumulated mileage up to about 45,000, the problem presented itself. I confirmed with Acura / Honda that my VIN number was included in the extended warranty group. I tried explaining the reason for the delay in reporting it, but Acura / Honda would not budge from the arbitrary 8 year limit and has refused to fix the issue.
When I realized the oil consumption issue in 2021, I asked the dealership about it. Their response was your car is old and a little oil consumption is normal. The second time, I changed the oil at the dealership, I asked if an oil consumption test be done because I was tired of putting oil in again same reply. I was told your car is old and you can use as a trade. I still have the suv and every 3 weeks, I'm putting oil in it. Request an oil consumption test maybe you might be lucky and get one done and have you suv fixed by Acura considering they were sued over it. Now that I'm in the market for a new car Acura is not on the list.
The problem is that I love the vehicle up until the problem started. The dealership did pick it up to work on the oil consumption problem and said it was resolved but it wasn't. Now I am stuck between replacing the engine or the car altogether.
Please help! After 1-2 months 1500 miles after an oil change, I already have the oil light coming on and needing to add oil. This is ridiculous! Now that I actually got online look this up I see it’s a much bigger issue! How do I get Honda/Acura to fix this?!
Acura needs to come clean and recall these engines and fix them for excessive oil consumption, and if not, our 3 decades of buying Honda products is likely over.
- Robert B.,
Hamilton, ON, Canada
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When I first got the car from Carmax it only had about 118,000 miles or so I had the car for 2 weeks and had a weird feeling to check the car’s oil level and it didn’t even mark it on the dip stick. I called Carmax of Denton and they filled it with oil and said that it’s their mistake that it I’ve not had it service done but at the time I wasn’t aware there was a tsb on the excessive oil consumption.
That’s where it all began obviously but every 1k miles or so pretty much I need to fill it up with more than a quart and I called Goodson Acura. They said it was pasted with the extended warranty coverage but I’ve read other people had their cars repaired past the extension. But anyway I’m currently into a year with the car - it has 146k miles now but I still love it. But I'm constantly having to check the oil level and topping it off is getting very bothersome.
This problem of excess consumption showed up about 6 months back and reading through the forum, it appears that this is a regular problem of Acura 2011 MDX. Wondering if we absolutely need to get it fixed or can it run by just topping up oil. Will it get worse? Can we go on long drives across the country in the car? How safe is it? Will the engine quit?
Between oil changes, the low oil warning light comes on at least 3 times. I'm averaging a quart of oil for every 1,000-1,200 miles. This vehicle did not do this until it went over 90,000 miles. I bought a Japanese vehicle because of their reputation for longevity and reliability. This vehicle is not living up to the reputation Honda used to have.
The excessive oil consumption issue is a KNOWN DEFECT. A manufacturer's defect is not a warranty item. This vehicle also had a parasitic draw from the blue tooth hands free system that drained my batteries. And a software issue that caused the engine to run rough. I like MDX's. This is my 3d, but this particular vehicle has issues.
My wife was driving home from Los Gatos CA to Solana Beach CA on highway 5. There is a long stretch of miles with no gas stations & limited cell service. Her engine light went on. She was stressed and panicked.
Car serviced (oil changed) 08/01/2019 - mileage 64,684
Engine Oil light 07/13/2019 mileage aprox. 74,300 - added oil / Check Emission System light on.
Car serviced 08/01/2019 74,394
We bought this car for reliability and long distance comfort. Because of this experience, she has not driven & will not drive any long distance at this time. Her fear of car failure or accident due to unknown engine mal function.
We've had this Acura MDX since October 2018. It's been a great vehicle. Near the heavier winter, in January, we noticed a heavy rattle. I didn't think much of it and just assumed it was the exhaust shield or something. This past winter, I noticed the rattle had gotten much worse and sounded nearly like a diesel engine. I also noticed during my last oil change that the oil consumption was really bad, much worse than previous changes. I put in roughly 6 quarts and that change, about 3,200 miles later had only 2 quarts remaining. I just did another oil change today and had the same results, however, I still had about 15% oil life according to the computer in my vehicle. I'm getting really concerned that this is going to become a much larger issue in the future. If this issue is as common as I'm seeing on google, Acura really should do something about it.
I'm constantly having to check the oil level and top it off. It loses a quart of oil about every 700 miles. The Jackson Acura Roswell, GA dealership sold it to me as a certified used Acura with this existing problem that appeared before the first oil change was even due. They refuse to cover or even discount the repairs and instead want me to pay over 3 grand in extensive engine repairs. I bought this car in Feb. 2019 when Acura released a bulletin to dealers with a description of the problem, yet Jackson Acura insists that there is no known problem. The exact steps suggested in the bulletin are what they did when I reported the problem, except they want me to pay for the repairs.
I've driven many Acuras in the past and loved them. Not this one. I feel unsafe driving it and can't take it on any long trips. I will NEVER buy another Acura again.
Our 2011 MDX was a sore from the get go ... the vehicle has been in the shop for approx. 6 months total time since our new vehicle purchase in 2011. Suffice to say, the oil consumption is another issue to the collection of painfully disturbing experiences/problems with our MDX where Acura Client Services states is normal/acceptable behavior. Back in the end of 2016/beginning of 2017 at around 70k, the change oil light displays. I take it to my mechanic and he advises oil is 3 quarts low and oil life is at 40%. He expressed serious concern about the volume that was missing. I had him do an oil change and at approx. 1500 miles (oil life at 70%) after, the oil dip stick was bone dry. Took the vehicle to Acura for an oil consumption test and the mechanic expressed concern about what he observed (the volume of oil missing compared to oil life remaining) but deflected issue to the mechanic who serviced last. So they serviced the vehicle for an oil consumption test but when I received our MDX, I checked the oil to verify the work and information noted in the documentation. Interestingly, the level was above the top line of the dip stick by what seemed 3/4 of a quart more but the documentation stated it was exactly at the top line. I confronted them about the discrepancy and they attempted to marginalize my concern as nothing and at one point, stating the filter would absorb the excess oil and drop the level to the top line in about 30 minutes of driving. I was like seriously this is your best responses and emphasized that they were performing an oil consumption test and the seriousness of the problem. After verifying and consulting with my mechanic, decided to have the oil consumption test repeated that day. Acura reluctantly repeated the test and we all verified the work this time. Unfortunately the documentation wasn't updated to reflect the test was repeated but instead was noted on the initial service performed for the consumption test which was 150 miles afterwards. The vehicle was to be returned at ~1000 miles which I returned at ~1300 but really ~1150. They stated the ~1300 miles were too high and may not be accepted by Acura but will still process it. I rebutted that documentation doesn't accurately reflect the correct information since test was repeated 150 miles after the initial but he stated we are looking only at the initial info and repeated test doesn't matter. In conclusion, the vehicle consumed a little shy of 1 quart and that was considered acceptable. On average, I have refilled the oil at about 5 quarts every 5000 miles and Acura states that as normal and acceptable. Every other professional in the business I've discussed this issue with jaw drops with the same phrase "Are you F kinding me!"
I have an Acura MDX 2011. From day 1 off the lot it has had the oil light come on all the time. I started to complain about oil consumption in the first 25k. Acura told my 1 pint per 1000 miles is "normal". NONE of my previous cars/ truck has ever had this type of burn. Acura 'tracked" my oil consumption arguments...and amazing that at 177K miles they admitted it was excessive oil burn more than the 1 pint / 1000 miles. I've been battling Acura Client and they have agreed to split the cost of a new engine block with me 50:50. That is still $3k out of my pocket and not acceptable. Verbally they told me that they found out the engine seals were defective in the 2011/ 2012...and that a engine block form 2013 would fix this (but they will not put this n writing). This is extremely disappointing and what I believe to be a cover up by Acura bean counters to save them the embarrassment of a poorly designed luxury car. I’m looking into more options, and would appreciate any advice on what might be next steps. My car was doomed form the day I bought it new.
I have taken my car in 5 times to be looked at for oil consumption. Acura dealer keeps telling me nothing is wrong as it's under the threshold for changing oil. THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH THE ENGINE and the dealer says they have to keep sending information to Acura to find out what the problem is. Just fix my car or give me a new engine?!!?! I bought the extended warranty so they don't want to fix it and they want to keep putting me off until the warranty expires at 100k miles. HORRIBLE SERVICE!!!!
I have a 2011 Acura MDX with 105,400 miles on it. I am the original owner and have always changed the oil on a regular basis.I recently noticed that the oil level was dropping to the point where I had to add 2.5 quarts. This problem has reoccurred on a regular basis. Judging from the previous rants about this vehicle, it appears to be a not so uncommon issue.
This is a 2011 Acura MDX and I would expect it to run without consuming excessive oil after only 60,000 miles. I have never had any issues with Acura's in the past, this is the first model I am experiencing this issue with. I understand others with the same year/make/model also are/have experienced the issue. Acura needs to take action and replace these engines with new ones.
Our 2011 Acura MDX started burning oil at about 65,000 miles. For the first 60,000 miles it never burned a drop. All the service and maintenance was done right on schedule. We are the original owner. We changed the oil every 3,000 miles (about 4 times a year). During a recent oil change our mechanic told me that the oil was low when the car was dropped off, which surprised me. I decided to check the oil every 1,000 miles and noticed that it was losing two quarts of oil every 1,000 miles! I started topping it off every 500 miles (about every 2 weeks). I still change the oil every 3,000 miles. I checked for leaks and there are no leaks (the car is garaged and there is not a drop of oil on the garage floor). The car has not been in any accidents and nothing unusual has happened that would explain why it suddenly started burning oil. My wife is the primary driver and she is a pretty mellow driver (she does not beat on the car). I don't know why the car suddenly started burning oil but it is not from normal wear and tear so there must be something wrong with the engine. I guess we got a lemon.
We bought our 2011 MDX brand new in the fall of 2011. It had 10 miles on it when we took delivery. The first oil change was done around 2,400 miles, just in case any debris was floating around in there the filter may not have been able to pick up like, metal shavings from the initial manufacturing process. Father and Grandfather always did this on their new cars. Oil was replaced with Amsoil Full Synthetic 5W-20 and Amsoil filter. The oil life monitor was reset at this time as well.
From this day forward, the oil was always replaced with aforementioned brand and weight as well as the filter when the oil life monitor was at 5 - 10 % of oil life remaining, which was well below the mileage or time frame that Amsoil recommended for their oil, (which is 25,000 miles or 1 year). It was generally around 6,000 to 7,000 miles on said oil change. I always checked the oil after changing to make sure it was at correct level, and then periodically throughout that oil changes life cycle.
One day when I checked it with about 40% oil life remaining, the oil level on the dip stick barely registered. I topped it off, and just made a mental note to keep an eye on it. From that day forward, I was having to add oil every 2 - 3 weeks, just to keep it in the proper range. This was ridiculous in my opinion because the vehicle only had 30,XXX miles on it at the time, and the car was not hammered on every take-off. It did get kicked in the rear once in a while just to keep the gunk blown out of the cats. One day I kicked it down, and noticed smoke coming from the exhaust in the rear view mirror. I just thought it was because it had been a while since it was hammered on.
We had been thinking of getting rid of the vehicle due to the oil consumption and all of the other complaints of excessive oil consumption on the Acura 3.7L we had read about, but it wasn't until the last oil change that made up our mind for us. When I pulled the drain plug, I immediately smelled an overwhelmingly strong odor of gasoline. That told me, without a doubt that the rings and seals were not doing there job of keeping the gas on the top end of the motor and the oil on the bottom end. Gas in the oil tremendously speeds up wear on the bottom end components of the engine, like the oil pump, rod bearings, ect. We traded it off the next day.
Just to clarify, I'm not some idiot that doesn't know how to change the oil in a vehicle, I've been doing it for over 20 years with no problems and currently drive a Toyota with over 400,000 miles that uses a very small amount of oil between oil changes and this engine has known sludge problems, but is still going strong. I know where and how this oil is being consumed but is such a small amount, is hardly worth mentioning. Acura actually says their engine is expected to use up to 1 quart of oil every 1,000 miles in the owners manual!!! Seriously!!!! BAD HONDA.....NEVER AGAIN!!!
I hope someone read this complaint and does not get stuck with an Acura MDX. I was driving, when I pressed on the break I saw the engine light come up saying "oil". When I got home I checked the oil. Surprise! No oil at all! I had to put 3 pints of oil. This car went to the dealer 3 months ago for oil change and tire rotation .. I checked the oil myself when I picked it up from the dealer.
Acura has admitted they have this excessive oil consumption problem. They agreed in a lawsuit to extend the warranty and fix the issue. They arbitrarily assigned a time limit of 8 years from date of purchase. The problem does not exhibit itself until around the 45,000 - 50,000 mileage level. My issue is that I bought it from a snowbird Canadian who bought the car in the US and kept it there when he returned to Canada for six months of every year. So, the car was only driven half of every year and kept sitting in the garage the other half. Therefore, when I purchased the car from him in September of 2020, it only had 23,000 miles on it. He had not been notified about the potential problem. At the time I purchased it, it was already over the 8 year limit. As I drove it and accumulated mileage up to about 45,000, the problem presented itself. I confirmed with Acura / Honda that my VIN number was included in the extended warranty group. I tried explaining the reason for the delay in reporting it, but Acura / Honda would not budge from the arbitrary 8 year limit and has refused to fix the issue.
- William F., Rancho Mirage, US