Recall List for the 2005 Cadillac XLR

Official recalls have been issued for the 2005 Cadillac XLR by the NHTSA. The complete details of all recalls are listed below, along with what they cover and the recommended solutions.

Recalls don't cost you anything to get fixed, but most are time-limited, so if your car is affected you should call your local Cadillac service department immediately!

If you have questions about a recall, write down your VIN & then call Cadillac customer service.

  1. RECALL: Aftermarket Fuel Pumps

    A vehicle crash could occur should the engine stall while in use. Read more »

    Date Announced
    FEB 28, 2011
    Vehicles Affected
  2. RECALL: Drl/Turn Signal/Parking Lamp Bulb

    If this were to occur, the driver would notice that the arrow in the instrument panel would flash faster than normal when the turn signal is activated. The loss of the drl and turn signals could fail to warn others of the driver's presence or intentions and could lead to a vehicle ... Read more »

    Date Announced
    JUL 19, 2006
    Vehicles Affected
  3. RECALL: GM/Hydraulic Brake Line

    If the brake fluid boils in a rear brake line, the effectiveness of the rear brake system would be reduced which could result in a brake line leak and loss of brake fluid. If enough fluid leaks from the rear brake system so that brake pedal application can no longer build pressure to the rear brakes. The operator of ... Read more »

    Date Announced
    NOV 03, 2004
    Vehicles Affected

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