Recall List for the 2015 Nissan Sentra

Official recalls have been issued for the 2015 Nissan Sentra by the NHTSA. The complete details of all recalls are listed below, along with what they cover and the recommended solutions.

Recalls don't cost you anything to get fixed, but most are time-limited, so if your car is affected you should call your local Nissan service department immediately!

If you have questions about a recall, write down your VIN & then call Nissan customer service.

  1. RECALL: Deformed Seat Belt Bracket Affecting OCS Operation

    If the frontal passenger air bag deploys in the event of a crash when a child seat is installed in the front passenger seat, there will be an increased risk of injury to the child in the ... Read more »

    Date Announced
    APR 26, 2016
    Vehicles Affected
  2. RECALL: Passenger Air Bag May Not Deploy Due To OCS Error

    If the passenger frontal air bag does not deploy as intended in the event of a crash, the passenger is at an increased risk of injury. Read more »

    Date Announced
    APR 26, 2016
    Vehicles Affected
  3. RECALL: Doors May Not Fully Latch/FMVSS 206

    A door that does not fully latch may result in the door opening while the car is moving. The distraction may increase the risk of a crash and/or a vehicle occupant may fall out of the vehicle if they are not wearing a seatbelt, increasing their risk of ... Read more »

    Date Announced
    JUL 21, 2015
    Vehicles Affected

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