How To Change A Jeep Power Window Regulator - Power windows acting up? You can hear the motor turning but the window doesn’t move or is falling down? Chances are you need a new regulator. You can get this online and change it yourself in under an hour to save some serious $$$$.
THE FIX - Steiger performance makes a steel replacement part. Problem solved.
Part ONE - Jeep Liberty - Window Regulator - Assembly Remove & Repair - Did the window in your Jeep Liberty or Jeep Cherokee Just drop into the door, and you cant get them back in the up/closed position? Or perhaps they do work, but they make a loud popping and or cracking noise, and you're wondering why is it doing this? Your Jeep was made with cheap parts that are prone to break. What my video, and see how I fixed mine to not have this happen again.
This will be the third window regulator I've had put in the Jeep Liberty. The back windows I hardly ever used, they broke. Now I have a back passenger window propped up with a wedge, and now the driver side door one breaks. I don't know which one to fix first. And it cost around $300.
Apparently, if you buy a Liberty with the original regulator, it's probably going to break.
I bought mine at 113,000 miles, and about a week later, the driver door window just dropped into the door with no warning while I was trying to roll it up. No funky noises, no shaking or going slowly, just dropped. It felt like some really cruel irony as I had just bought this car to replace my 2001 Cherokee that had a broken window regulator (and permanently-down window) on the passenger side. I guess this was my karma for not fixing that and subjecting my passengers to the elements for the last year.
Since it was my ass on the line this time, I pulled the door card and water shielding out the next day, pulled the window up manually, and duct taped it in place. It was easy and worked just fine as a temporary fix until I could replace it about a week or two later.
The new regulator and motor assembly was $108 after tax from NAPA. If I remember correctly, there's a few on Amazon for about $75, so that's an option too. Whichever buying option you choose, MAKE SURE you buy the right one. There are two types - one attaches to the window with a ball stud and pin, and one attaches by clipping directly into a hole drilled in the bottom of the window. You'll probably have to take the door apart to figure out which one you have. There's an article with pictures (first result on Google, I believe) to help you identify which one it is. Also, don't think that the $20 you might save just buying a regulator without the motor (if you can even find one) will be worth the headache of trying to assemble them yourself. After looking at how they're put together, that'll probably make the job take twice as long.
The installation is super simple, and there's a bunch of videos about it online. It's definitely worth doing it yourself as you'll probably save about $200 in mechanic fees. If the sealant on the water shield is deteriorated on your car, grab some RTV at your local auto store to put on the edges and that should seal it back up well. It should only take about an hour, but give yourself some extra time if you're not experienced. You only need a 10mm wrench, a Philips and a flathead screwdriver, but an extra hand and some duct tape goes a long way to hold the window up while you're working on it. The clips holding the door card on can be a bit of a bitch, but a little muscle will get them off. Just be careful not to break em!
Wish I would've know about this website before buying 2006 Jeep Liberty. 3 of my window regulators broke, feel the need to add to the statistics by at least reporting one of them. I was a big fan of Jeep before this car, but this recurring regulator issue has cost me over $1000 dollars to repair and added quite a bit of stress since I have young kids in the back seat. The regulator broke randomly, and the glass keeps dropping in the door...I cannot believe this isn't a recall item!!!
So Chrysler covered the new motors BUT the new motors did not fit the current glass windows. Had to buy 2 new windows for the fix. The manufacturer should have covered the new windows since they changed the size.
At least the door opens. We just need to get a new regulator to replace this one. After reading about all the issues with OEM parts we may be going with an aftermarket one.
In 2015 the rear driver side window regular stopped working. To make matters worse, when it decided to stop working it got caught in the door latch and we cannot open the door, hence the reason it hasn't been fixed yet. My husband will do the repair as he works in a auto body shop it's just him nor any of the guys he works with have figured out how to get the panel off to get the door open to fix it. We are about ready to buy a new door panel and just cut this one apart to get in to fix it.
I understand the 2006 - 2007 Liberty has had recalls for this problem on certain vehicles. I contacted FCA they said mine was not one of them, but to have 2 regulators out on separate windows strongly suggest that FCA missed this one... nice job FCA way to cover up.
This was the 3rd (or 4th) window that I had to fix. So aggravating!! Why can't this problem be corrected?? My car guy said that the replacement parts were so poorly made that it will just keep breaking. And for me to be prepared to have them tear up again. So aggravating!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the second one on the same vehicle. Makes American made stuff not worth looking at. Thanks Cry Slur! You just worry yourself about making sure you can fart through silk shorts while you put out shoddy cheap breakable product. I was a jeep fan, now you have broken the trust.
Been lucky I guess, mine stays in the garage so it may have taken longer to break. I don't drive it much, maybe 1,000 a year. Went out the other day and the passenger rear window was all the way down inside the door. This happened with the Jeep sitting in the garage all on it's own. Hopefully my extended warranty I bought with the Jeep will take car of it. Have to call Carmax soon and see.
The regulator is going out again. I took it to Jeep the first two times and got soaked real well 450.00 the first time and right at 400.00 the second time. Going out again. so I thought I would at least bitch about it. On a fixed income and babying it so I don't have to put out another 400.00.
Both rear windows and passenger front broke. Cost $225 at mechanic, about $100 to do it yourself. I would suggest to do it yourself as they will break again. 3rd time I have replaced.
This is the 4 of 4 issues with the window regulators. All 4 have been replaced and will hopefully hold up until I get rid of this piece of crap of a vehicle. Never buying Jeep again and totally turned off of domestics altogether.
Same thing...rolled down the rear driver window and the old familiar clicking sound occurred. Since this has happened 3 times prior, I knew it was the regulator. I immediately checked to see if the warranty was still valid and it was by a couple of months, thank gawd. Very pissed this time, as I've had to bring this vehicle in 4 separate times to replace 4 separate window regulators. I have better things to do with my time instead of waiting for my window regulators to be replaced, like working so that I afford to feed my family and pay for Jeep repairs so it seems.
Soooo getting rid of this vehicle and not buying a Jeep or Chrysler or any domestic vehicle ever again. I thought I would try a domestic since I've only owned Japanese previously and when Jeep came out with a diesel I was happy to buy. But this Jeep has left me with such bad experiences, that I'm going back to imports from here on out.
To North American manufacturers: If you want North Americans to support and buy North American vehicles, then get your shite together, no amount of patriotism is worth having to bring a domestic back to the shop over and over again because of bad craftsmanship and overall poor manufacturing practices. I'd rather give my money to the Japanese or Germans in order to ensure reliability.
This is the 3rd of 4 issues. Yeah, I've had all 4 window regulators replaced.
This time I rolled down the front passenger window and the same awful, but familiar clicking sound occurred. I immediately knew it was the window regulator again since this occurred the week before. Was beginning to wonder when the last window regulator was going to go. Why use crappy plastic for a part that is used often? I understand that you're trying to make the vehicle lighter, but c'mon use a better quality part instead using something cheap.
This is the 2nd of 4 issues. Yeah, I've had all 4 window regulators replaced.
Rolled down the front driver side window to enter the underground parking at work and then tried to roll it back up. The same familiar but annoying clicking sound occurred. I think grabbed the window before it dropped into the door and wedged wads of paper in between the glass and the frame to hold the window up.
This is the 1st for 4 occurrences. Yes, I've had all 4 window regulators replaced.
Rolled down the rear, passenger window to allow my kids to get some fresh air while waiting in the Jeep. When I tried to roll the windows back up, a strange clicking noise occurred and the window would not go up. When I tried to manually push the window up it almost dropped completely into the door, but I caught it in time. There was no recall notice at this time in Canada so I had to pay $750 to get the entire window assembly replaced. Very, very annoying.
It was pouring down rain and I was on my way to work...I stopped at Taco Bell drive thru and had to roll down my window to pay....pushed the driver side rear button by mistake and the window would NOT go back up! I had to get out and push it up with both soaked and had to go to work like that! I was PISSED!
Bought this Liberty and since it was winter, never thought to roll down the back window. Hmm, it would not go down. Took it all apart, ordered a replacement regulator and installed it. Now I find out that I have 3 more windows that are gonna break soon. Nice going, Chrysler!
This will be the third window regulator I've had put in the Jeep Liberty. The back windows I hardly ever used, they broke. Now I have a back passenger window propped up with a wedge, and now the driver side door one breaks. I don't know which one to fix first. And it cost around $300.
- griff88, Ilion, US