My wife was backing out of the driveway at a low rate of speed, and from inside the house, I heard a loud noise. I looked out my window and I could see my neighbor running across the street. I went outside and the rear axel was crack in half, approx. 12-18 inches from the drivers side rear tire. Being 6:30 pm I had to wait to contact my local Ford dealer the following day. I spoke with the Service manager who told me the vehicle had no current recalls and the part alone would be $500.00, and it would be 3 to 5 days to get the part in. He also stated that this is some kind of flaw in the rear axel, and this is not normal wear and tear.
I contacted Ford and they were no help, however they did file a complaint. I also filed a complaint with the NHTSA. When I told the NHTSA my vehicle was a, 2000 Ford Windstar, he stated "did the rear axel crack in half". So they are aware of this problem, and if this issue happens to you, you must file a complaint. Anyway, still waiting to see the final cost of this repair.
My husband, myself, and our 4 children were on a highway in the middle of the night when we heard a sound like an explosion come from what we thought was out left rear tire. We saw and smelled smoke. Luckily we were able to safely drive to the shoulder of the highway, another 100 yards we would have been on a bridge. We waited an hour on that shoulder feeling the car shake when ever a truck flew pass us. My mother had to come and meet us because the tow truck could only take 2 passengers and we all were 6. She arrived after an hour shortly after the tow truck arrived. We came to find out that the rear axle snapped in two with the break closer to the left side of the tire. Both wheels were bent in. The tow truck driver said that just should not happen.
When we saw how many people this happend to on this site we couldn't believe it. The pictures of the break in the axel all seem to look the same and are on the same side, How dare Ford not make this problem a recall! Are they waiting for someone to get into a fatal accident to make this right? Do I smell class action suit?
As I read all the horror stories of similar problems others have had out there with the Windstar I am surprised that I didn't hear about it already. I can't believe someone hasn't been injured or killed as a result of this defect with the Windstar's rear axle. My wife was driving the vehicle yesterday when the steering went out and she went into oncoming traffic. The rear axle broke and miraculously she was able to get back on the right side of the road and on the berm without causing an accident. My mechanics have said they never seen anything like this. Coincidentally, my mechanic received an automotive magazine in the mail today and it talks about this problem with the Ford Windstar and that there is a class action lawsuit that is being started in regards to this problem. Anyone else have any info. I would love to know more. I will be out of pocket at least $700.00 but that is nothing compared to what could have happened to my wife and others on the road last night. I hope Ford decides to do the right thing and fix this problem before someone gets hurt or killed.
Update from Aug 24, 2010: Just got the van back and it cost $1310.00
Had no idea that the rear axle had any problem. Nothing was even noticed by my mechanic for state inspection. Looked like it was sawed in two, from what i could see. Luckily I was not on a major highway, but on a two lane road where I could pull off in a parking lot. Had to miss work and wait for the tow truck Now I have NO car and am dependent on others to get me to work. My mechanic is trying to locate a used axle. This is not a problem I have ever heard about in all 40 years of driving!! i am not happy, up until now I was very pleased with my Windstar.
Update from Aug 30, 2010: Just found out that Ford is recalling the rear axles on Ford Windstars!! Got the info from Now to get Ford to reimburse me.
Found this website while investigating the Windstar issue. I plan to call the NHTSA - (1-888-327-4236) and COMPLAIN ABOUT THIS PROBLEM, as Paul suggested in another post. I have not heard yet what the cost for replacement will be. I'll compare the cost to repair against replacing the vehicle. I must say that my wife was lucky it happened just as she arrived at her destination and not in transit.
- Scott H.,
Weymouth, MA, US
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I would say more but all the posts say it. I drove tow truck for 10 years and even the tow operator on call had never had one snap like that.....Ford won't fix it though.
Update from Aug 12, 2010: Fixed it myself. Bought a rear end from a scrap yard for $200. Changed it in 16 hrs with nothing more than the jack that came with the van and hand tools......was a freaking nightmare but when ur broke you do what u gotta do.
I have a 2000 windstar that @ 67,000 my rear axel beam cracked I have 2 small children and bought this van thinking it was a 5 * but this was as far from the truth .I called to see if this was common and I was told no only had 1 other report. So I Bitched but still had to fix it on my own NOW @ 80,000 It has a crack on the other end I can't see how FORD thinks this not a problem. I only happend to find this web sight and was able to see that I am NOT the only one with this problem I just thank god no one has been killed (that's when ford will address this issue )
of all the things to cheap out on. only a rear axle. it only holds up the car, no big deal. i was traveling at 70 m.p.h. on I495 in massachusets when my rear axle snapped. i was in the far left lane of a very congested highway. suddenly, i heard a loud crack and my car started fishtailing back and forth. i had my wife and my 3 kids in the car. the car began filling with smoke and the children were coughing and choking. i managed to get the car across all 3 travel lanes and there was no brake down lane, i had to go 200 more yards before i could still pull of the road. my parents came and picked up my kids and i waited for a tow truck. some woman who was texting came into the breakdown lane and almost hit me.
this makes me sick. sick that money is more important to ford and stockholders. well, ford, my kids almost died today because you built my car CHEAP. scum. ill never put my family in a ford again. may god have mercy on your money grubbing corporate souls.
rear end snapped while going into revearse. has anyone thought of having support welded to take the stress off? how about having steel welded under the rail where the void is so that its one solid piece?
I am VERY upset with Ford for not having a recall on the rear axle problem!!!! What is it gonna take..... horrible death related accidents like Toyota for them to do something about this??!!! I have always been a proud Ford owner but now am not!
I recently took a trip to Ohio with my family and when I returned home realized that there was a noise in my rear end and when my husband (who is mechanically inclined) check it out found the axle to be cracked and the sagging! Needless to say I was sick to my stomach when I thought about us just returning from Ohio which we traveled on the interstate highway and the speed limits were 65 and 70mph! I truly believe God was watching over us on this trip and praise him for our save return and not being in a horrible accident!
We priced a new axle and it was close to $500.00 a used one was nearly $400.00 and add in the 2 new tires and an alignment and if my husband was not able to fix this himself the labor fee, so I am estamitaing well over $1000.00 to fix this problem that should have a recall on it!!!!! I did call the customer relations at Ford and baiscally got no where but will say the person I spoke with was not rude and apologized but that apology does not pay for my repair! Wake up FORD and recall this problem!!!! Windstar owners beware and check your axles!
I am feeling vey lucky. We have loved our 2000 Ford Winstar as it has been a reliable vehicle with no major problems until now. We were driving on the turnpike going 65 mph with our entire family including 3 children. We heard a popping/cracking noise and the car started fishtailing. Somehow, we managed to get off the road without hitting anything. That is truly an amazing feat due to the speed we were going, but luckily there was no traffic around us at the time. If there had been, we would have taken them out for sure. I have no idea how my husband maintained enough control not the hit the cement median. We were heading right for it! I expected that we blew a tire due to the noise nad experience losing control of the vehicle, but I was shocked to see the rear axle cracked in half and the rear tires buckled under the vehicle. Thank God we weren't hurt. I didn't know this problem as this common or to be looking for it. I contacted the CPSC at 888-327-4236 and SO SHOULD YOU IF THIS HAPPENS TO YOU!! Everyone needs to call in order to get this on their radar for a recall.
I cant believe this happen, On April 22, 2010 I was driving down a street and the rear axle just broke in two, I pulled over to the side of the street and got out and looked at the tires I though I had a flat tire but the tires were ok except they were tilted in at the top of the wheel, I looked under the car and saw that the rear axle had broken in two. Before this happen I was driving on 83 with my grand child in the car,( I call it the big highway) going about 60, if this would of broke while I was on that road I hate to think what would of happen to my grand child and me. I had to have my van towed $75. to start, and now I am trying to get a idea of what it will cost to fix it, close to $275. for labor alone they told me, and don't know how much the axle will cost. I was surprised to read all the complaints about this same problem, . This is a serious safety issue and for what I am reading no one is making any headway on getting this resolved . Why doesn't the Ford Co. do something about this, when are they going to acknowledge this problem. I am checking into another way to approach this issue that may work with getting them to listen, its called the NEWS MEDIA. Maybe it is time to let them know about this danger with Ford Windstars and maybe save a live. Thank you all for listing to my concern.
I had the transmission replace twice and now this problem with the rear axle. I always want to support USA economy, but there vehicles have big problems!
I have a 2000 Ford Windstar SEL and my wife was driving to work when she noticed the rear of the van was fishtailing. I was at work so when I got home I looked at the van and noticed the wheels were slanted in. I looked under the van and noticed that the rear axle bar was broken in two. After doing some online research I found out that there were other people with the some problem as me. Why isn't Ford doing anything to fix it??? How much does it cost to fix??? What is the Ford part number for this bar???
Rear axle snaped in half. Luckily I-95 was closed in Phila and we took a slow alternate route. Broke and both back wheels caved inward. 103,000 miles. Have see hundreds of the same complaint once car gets near 100,000 miles. Ford should own up.
noticed the rear wheel of my wifes windstar tilting inward as she was backing out the driveway to go to work. Looked underneath and saw that the rear axle was split in half about a foot away from the drivers side wheel. I see no signs of rust or corrosion, just fractured steel. I have a 1991 f-150 that is rusty as hell and carries extremely heavy loads a every day with no problems, but a minivan that carries nothing heavier than a five and six year has an axle break in half? What the f**k!!!
On April 30, 2010 was driving in my 2000 Ford Windstar SEL on Interstate 80 in IL at 55 miles per hour approaching I-Pass toll booth when I heard loud clunk in rear, metal scraping and then smoke trailing from behind car. I figured it was exhaust system problem and it was not a good place to stop so slowed up and continued a short distance when I heard another loud clunk (rear axle had snapped in two), then loud noise like gun shot (was tire blowing), lost control of car, spun out of control in middle of traffic and did 180, then slamming into concrete barrier at 50 mph, rear first, then skidded along barrier for 200 ft. All cars behind me avoided collision. Concrete barrier stopped me from spinning into traffic of cash lanes. Luckily I was not in left lane becasue I would have rolled down steep ravine. Others expressed fears of rear axle breaking at high speed and getting killed. I was almost there. Car totaled by ins. co. $9000 to repair. Ins Co filing claim with Ford and hiring engineer hopefully. Class action suit is needed. Fortunately I only had severe whiplash and not killed. Rear axle snapped about 18 inches from rear driver wheel like others reported.
This is the second time that my rear axle or sway bar have broken on me. Both times I was driving in the city, Oh my God what would have happened if I was on the highway going 60mph. Ford needs to recall these vehicles before they end up like Toyota.
My wife was backing out of the driveway at a low rate of speed, and from inside the house, I heard a loud noise. I looked out my window and I could see my neighbor running across the street. I went outside and the rear axel was crack in half, approx. 12-18 inches from the drivers side rear tire. Being 6:30 pm I had to wait to contact my local Ford dealer the following day. I spoke with the Service manager who told me the vehicle had no current recalls and the part alone would be $500.00, and it would be 3 to 5 days to get the part in. He also stated that this is some kind of flaw in the rear axel, and this is not normal wear and tear.
I contacted Ford and they were no help, however they did file a complaint. I also filed a complaint with the NHTSA. When I told the NHTSA my vehicle was a, 2000 Ford Windstar, he stated "did the rear axel crack in half". So they are aware of this problem, and if this issue happens to you, you must file a complaint. Anyway, still waiting to see the final cost of this repair.
- Jim V., Evergreen Park, IL, US