The tire valves are a piece of crap. When they go bad, the valve detaches and the tire goes completely flat. It's very debilitating. I had to get towed to the tire place. Two tires were completely flat. The other two valves were ticking time bombs ready to blow. They replaced all 4 sensors and valves with better ones. The tire place was very nice and actually gave me a good deal. (Towing plus all four valves $277). I kept thinking these OBVIOUSLY DEFECTIVE valve stems would have to be recalled! It appears they never were. I kept the crappy valve stems for almost 10 years. I sold this car in 2021. I still think Dodge should have reimbursed me for these obviously defective tire valve stems! I am sorry I did not report this on here long ago.
I received a good boy gift of 4 valve caps from Eastside dodge for getting my caravan serviced during the summer of 2012. When I had new tires put on in the spring of 2013 the caps had bonded with the valve stems and the tire shop had to destroy the stems to get them off. Chrysler has gone out of their way to deny responsibility for the damage they caused. Eventually they sent me a check for the TPMS units but withheld to cost of installing them. About $50.00. So far their free gift time and some money I intend to take them to small calms for for the $50 just because now I am angry. Their free gift has caused me a lot of frustration.
low tire pressure light went on but when tried to check the pressure the valve cover broke off and the stem was exposed. Went to dealer to get fixed - for fricken 125.00 and they discovered that the brake pads had 5% wear left. What a lemon!
Had my low tire pressure light come on and so I went to check the tire pressure and couldn't remove the caps. Needed a pliers to removed them and when I did all the threads on all four valve stems were gone! Apparently the valve stem material and the adhesive used to lock the caps on caused a chemical reaction which if not caught when it was could have caused major issues. Dealership covered under warranty and then again a month or so later I got a letter talking about the recall for defective valve stems.
- josephalberta,
Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada
The tire valves are a piece of crap. When they go bad, the valve detaches and the tire goes completely flat. It's very debilitating. I had to get towed to the tire place. Two tires were completely flat. The other two valves were ticking time bombs ready to blow. They replaced all 4 sensors and valves with better ones. The tire place was very nice and actually gave me a good deal. (Towing plus all four valves $277). I kept thinking these OBVIOUSLY DEFECTIVE valve stems would have to be recalled! It appears they never were. I kept the crappy valve stems for almost 10 years. I sold this car in 2021. I still think Dodge should have reimbursed me for these obviously defective tire valve stems! I am sorry I did not report this on here long ago.
- Julie M., Medina, US